Thursday, October 22, 2009

~Autumn Season... Flu Season~

Sorry I didn't make it on earlier, we've had quite a week!

My daughter was sick last Tuesday through about Saturday, and my son has been sick since Friday night. Bebe's was pretty awful, but not near as awful as Boy's was.

Boy began throwing up on Friday night. High fever, nasty *ahem* diapers, and EXTREME fussiness, even for Boy. He was sicker than sick, and we took him in to the Emergency Room. The doctor did not even take a moment to look him over, just made us wait there for 4 hours, asked why we were there, then sent the nurse in to tell us to give him a larger dose of Tylenol to get the fever down.

He wouldn't eat, and his fever would not go down. He screamed and screamed all night and all day, until Wednesday night we took him in to the ER again. They put in a catheter (poor boy :'( ) and did a urine test, glanced in his ears and mouth, and told us it was probably swine flu but there was nothing that could be done for a baby so little. They suggested rotating between Motrin and Tylenol.

When we got home and checked the Motrin box, it said 'for 6 to 23 months'. I called the pediatrician and was told he 'STRONGLY' is against using Motrin for a baby under 6 months. So, after having two very disappointing nights in the hospital ER and feeling like nothing had been done correctly, I decided that we needed to take him in to the pediatrician. That's right, three times to see a doctor.

Guess what we found out? Boy has Strep Throat.

Wha?? I just don't understand...

The doctor did say that there is a possibility for swine flu, and had us go get a sample to send in. But even when he checked the Emergency Room report, the nurse had put in that there had been NO vomiting or *ahem* nasty diapers.


And the other thing, babies CAN be treated for swine flu. Trust me, I have medicine for it in my fridge right now.

I'm not sure what to think at this point! One thing is for sure, I am extremely relieved and happy to report that Boy has made quite a come back with only TWO doses of antibiotics. I just feel really bad that this wasn't resolved sooner. Six days is a long time for a baby to be sick and fever-ing.

Well, I cannot stress at this point how important it is to constantly wash your hands! :).

Anyway, I'm sorry that I wasn't able to get up another 'mystery pic', but we'll try super hard to get one up there for tomorrow! Lots of fun stuff tomorrow :). Check in again!

Thanks all, we'll talk to you again soon!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Video of the day :)

So I probably won't post a video every day, but every once in a while I like to share. So here is my cute/funny video of the day, from our house. Enjoy!

~Bye, Bye B~

My daughter has lost her very best friend in the world this week. Her pacifier, which she lovingly nicknamed, 'B'. We have been trying to slowly ween her from it for a little while now, but their friendship was just too strong. Then, yesterday, B went missing, and I don't mean that we hid it from her, but somehow B wandered off on her own to never come back.

All day we were followed through the house by the pitiful cry: 'B...? B... B!?'. My little Bebe was so sad! Her nap was a wasted effort. It just wasn't the same without her little buddy. However, my dear little Bebe DID successfully go to bed last night without her B, and besides the one time I had to go in and rock her sad little body back to bed, she slept nice and sound.

Then, this morning, I saw my husband walk past me into the front room, then all I hear is a giant W-h-e-e-z-e. I wander in to see what is so funny, and this is what I see:

Yes, that's right. Can you tell what it is?

Lol. The rubber tip of a medicine bottle. What next? I'll tell you one thing, having children sure changes the way you see things.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

~Lazy Sundays~

Today was quite a lazy, relaxing day at the Prothero's house. Boy is getting over the flu, and B is sick as well, so we just stayed home and hung out.

It was such a nice day outside! What was it, 70 degrees? 75? Very nice of mother nature to give us at least one more nice day before the cold Utah winter comes. :). Bebe, Boy and I spent some time playing out in the backyard, taking in every possible ray of sunshine, then my girl and I went for a lovely evening walk.

I love Autumn! The fashion, the colors, the amazing scenery! I'm just a fall baby, born in October and could stay in these lovely days forever.

So! I took a bunch of pics today, and I just can't pick any favorites to share, so I'm going to share a slide show with you all. Enjoy, and we'll see you tomorrow!

Saturday, October 17, 2009


My name is Amy Prothero, and I am 21 years old. My husband and I met in 2006, the same year I graduated high school, and proceeded to marry quickly, and young. No regrets! B and I were meant for each other from the very beginning, meeting only through friends that had a momentary fling. He was shy, and I was outgoing and obnoxious. Trust me though, the shy ones are never what they seem ;).

I have two adorable (motherly bias?) children, who we fondly call 'Bebe' and 'Boy', ages 1 1/2 and 4 months.

My daughter was born 9 months after B and I were married, starting out at only 5lbs 2oz and perfectly healthy. She was a wonderful, calm spirit, hardly ever even fussing. Now she is a rambunctious little squirt, 19 months old and 19 lbs, constantly moving and chatting, climbing and dancing. Like I said, watch out for the shy, quiet ones!

Boy is 16 months her younger, and as opposite her as possible. Colicky, picky, and hard to please, this boy never sleeps! He keeps his Momma and Daddy on their toes! Entering the world at 6lbs 12oz with a broken collar bone and lungs the size of China, Boy has pushed us hard to learn the art of patience. The creative sections of our brains have been exercised to the max, and we've learned all about vacuums, running water, changes in lights and voice tones. But the laps around the house are worth every step with one of his bright-eyed, gummy smiles or contagious giggles.

Being a mother and wife is the most amazing thing that I could have ever asked of life. Though most of the time it is full of challenges and unexpected difficulties, it has brought me more joy than anything I could ever think to try. Family is the most important of any belonging, and I look forward to every new day where I get to experience being a mother one more time :).