Thursday, October 22, 2009

~Autumn Season... Flu Season~

Sorry I didn't make it on earlier, we've had quite a week!

My daughter was sick last Tuesday through about Saturday, and my son has been sick since Friday night. Bebe's was pretty awful, but not near as awful as Boy's was.

Boy began throwing up on Friday night. High fever, nasty *ahem* diapers, and EXTREME fussiness, even for Boy. He was sicker than sick, and we took him in to the Emergency Room. The doctor did not even take a moment to look him over, just made us wait there for 4 hours, asked why we were there, then sent the nurse in to tell us to give him a larger dose of Tylenol to get the fever down.

He wouldn't eat, and his fever would not go down. He screamed and screamed all night and all day, until Wednesday night we took him in to the ER again. They put in a catheter (poor boy :'( ) and did a urine test, glanced in his ears and mouth, and told us it was probably swine flu but there was nothing that could be done for a baby so little. They suggested rotating between Motrin and Tylenol.

When we got home and checked the Motrin box, it said 'for 6 to 23 months'. I called the pediatrician and was told he 'STRONGLY' is against using Motrin for a baby under 6 months. So, after having two very disappointing nights in the hospital ER and feeling like nothing had been done correctly, I decided that we needed to take him in to the pediatrician. That's right, three times to see a doctor.

Guess what we found out? Boy has Strep Throat.

Wha?? I just don't understand...

The doctor did say that there is a possibility for swine flu, and had us go get a sample to send in. But even when he checked the Emergency Room report, the nurse had put in that there had been NO vomiting or *ahem* nasty diapers.


And the other thing, babies CAN be treated for swine flu. Trust me, I have medicine for it in my fridge right now.

I'm not sure what to think at this point! One thing is for sure, I am extremely relieved and happy to report that Boy has made quite a come back with only TWO doses of antibiotics. I just feel really bad that this wasn't resolved sooner. Six days is a long time for a baby to be sick and fever-ing.

Well, I cannot stress at this point how important it is to constantly wash your hands! :).

Anyway, I'm sorry that I wasn't able to get up another 'mystery pic', but we'll try super hard to get one up there for tomorrow! Lots of fun stuff tomorrow :). Check in again!

Thanks all, we'll talk to you again soon!


  1. that is good he is feeling better. I really think doctors don't really know what they are doing, they were just taught to use big words! Hope your family stays healthy for a bit!

  2. So happy to hear your little one is feeling better and hopefully you will feel some relief soon. You are a good mommy for being diligent!
