All day we were followed through the house by the pitiful cry: 'B...? B... B!?'. My little Bebe was so sad! Her nap was a wasted effort. It just wasn't the same without her little buddy. However, my dear little Bebe DID successfully go to bed last night without her B, and besides the one time I had to go in and rock her sad little body back to bed, she slept nice and sound.
Then, this morning, I saw my husband walk past me into the front room, then all I hear is a giant W-h-e-e-z-e. I wander in to see what is so funny, and this is what I see:
Yes, that's right. Can you tell what it is?
Lol. The rubber tip of a medicine bottle. What next? I'll tell you one thing, having children sure changes the way you see things.
haha that is so darn cute! haha :) I love that story. She is a doll! :)